Create room with multiple users using firebase

i am trying to create a room video call something like Whatsapp with firebase as signalisation server for two users it works perfect as expected but when a third user join everything stop working

if the user A the first who join and the user B the second until the user C join everything work fine but when C join user A freeze and lost user B connection and B share screen with C but also sometimes freezing

here is my code

here is my join function

const joinRoom = async () => {
    const roomRef = await firestore().collection('meets').doc(params.callId);

      .add({name, type: 'join'})
      .then(() => {
          .then(async querySnapshot => {
            if (querySnapshot.empty) {
            } else {
              querySnapshot.forEach(async snap => {
                if ( !== name && === 'join') {
                  // data.push(;
                  await creatOffer(;
                // if (data.length > 0) {
                //   Promise.all(data).then(async user => {
                //     return await creatOffer(user);
                //   });
                // }

    //     // listen on any new offers
    roomRef.collection('offers').onSnapshot(data => {
      data.docChanges().forEach(async change => {
        if (change.type === 'added') {
          // console.log('changes',;
          if ( === name) {
            await createAnswer(,;

    //listen to answers
    roomRef.collection('answers').onSnapshot(async snapshot => {
      snapshot.docChanges().forEach(async change => {
        if (change.type === 'added') {
          const pc = pcPeers[];
          if ( === name) {
            const rtcSessionDescription = new RTCSessionDescription(

            if (pc && rtcSessionDescription) {
              await pc.setRemoteDescription(rtcSessionDescription);

    //listen to candidate change
    roomRef.collection('candidates').onSnapshot(async snapshot => {
      snapshot.docChanges().forEach(async change => {
        // console.log('answers',;
        if (change.type === 'added') {
          console.log('added', Platform.OS);
          if ( === name) {
            const pc = pcPeers[];

            // console.log(pc);

            if (pc) {
              await pc.addIceCandidate(
                new RTCIceCandidate(,

and create offer

const creatOffer = async to => {
    try {
      const {roomRef, localPC} = await initializePeer(to);

      const offer = await localPC.createOffer();
      // console.log('offer', offer);
      if (offer) {
        await localPC.setLocalDescription(offer);

        await roomRef.collection('offers').add({from: name, to, offer});
      pcPeers = {...pcPeers, [to]: localPC};
    } catch (e) {

and here is create answer

 const createAnswer = async (from, offer) => {
    try {
      const {localPC, roomRef} = await initializePeer(from);

      await localPC.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(offer));

      const answer = await localPC.createAnswer();
      await localPC.setLocalDescription(answer);

      // await checkIfAnswerAlreadyCreated(from, name);

      await roomRef.collection('answers').add({from: name, to: from, answer});

      pcPeers = {...pcPeers, [from]: localPC};
    } catch (e) {

and here is how i initialise a peer

const initializePeer = async (to: string) => {
    const initialStream = await initLocalStream();

    const localPC = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
    await localPC.addStream(initialStream);

    const roomRef = await firestore().collection('meets').doc(params.callId);

    const collection = roomRef.collection('candidates');

    localPC.onicecandidate = async e => {
      if (!e.candidate) {
      // console.log('canditates', Platform.OS);
      const state = localPC.iceGatheringState;

      if (state !== 'complete') {
        await collection.add({
          from: name,
          candidate: e.candidate.toJSON(),
          date: new Date(),
      } else {
      // InCallManager.setForceSpeakerphoneOn(true);
      // InCallManager.setSpeakerphoneOn(true);

    localPC.onsignalingstatechange = async event => {
      // when the signal state become stable record the data and stop ringback

      if ( === 'stable') {
        if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
          localStream?.getVideoTracks().forEach(track => {
            //For ios to trigger the camera on
    localPC.onaddstream = e => {
      if (e?.stream) {
        // console.log(
        //   `RemotePC received the stream call ${Platform.OS}_${Platform.Version}`,
        //   e?.stream,
        // );

        console.log(Platform.OS, ' ', Platform.Version);
        if (remoteStream === null) {
          // Alert.alert('stream 1');
        } else {
          // Alert.alert('stream 2');


    return {localPC, roomRef};

can anyone help me with some hints where is tthe problem i’ve created for my self here and thank you