Error: Failed to initialize PeerConnection, check the native logs!

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone has an idea about this. This error only occurs to me when using it on iOS; my application runs well on Android, but on iOS, when it tries to do this (pc.current = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);), it triggers this error:

const configuration = {“iceServers”: [{url: “”}]};
pc.current = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration); ← error line only on iOS

LOG Running “videoCall” with {“rootTag”:31,“initialProps”:{}}
LOG Running “videoCall” with {“rootTag”:211}
LOG RTCPeerConnection config: {“iceServers”:[{“url”:“”}]}
LOG Error setupWebrtc: [Error: Failed to initialize PeerConnection, check the native logs!]
LOG Error Name: Error
LOG Error Message: Failed to initialize PeerConnection, check the native logs!
LOG Stack Trace: Error: Failed to initialize PeerConnection, check the native logs!

check the issue here: [IOS] PeerConnection not found on IOS when Android and Web work · Issue #1453 · react-native-webrtc/react-native-webrtc · GitHub

Seems to be related to this.
The use of url for iceServers was deprecated, you should be using urls instead.