Hello! I’m new in webrtrc. I try to make a text messanger by webrtc. It seems everything goes well, but i get this errors:
Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 20):
TypeError: `sdpMLineIndex` and `sdpMid` must not null
TypeError: `sdpMLineIndex` and `sdpMid` must not null
Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 21):
Error: Failed to set local answer sdp: Called in wrong state: stable
Error: Failed to set local answer sdp: Called in wrong state: stable
The problem is that is have sdpMLineIndex
and sdpMid
not null:
candidate: {
candidate: 'candidate:3313900500 1 udp 2122056191 fec0::31f2:2509:baf9:ebb1 42098 typ host generation 0 ufrag PXQq network-id 2 network-cost 900',
sdpMLineIndex: 0,
sdpMid: '0'
Also i’d appriciate if someone will tell how to start webrtc logs on Android
Also my code: GitHub - Xepobopa/chat-webrtc