Python build-webrtc failed

hello all, i am new to webrtc and i am following the at react-native-webrtc/Documentation and tried to run this command

python --setup --android ~/src/

I am using windows 7 and the ~/ didn’t seem to work as a path and i changed it to

python --setup --android …/src/

after i created a folder called src under reac-native-webrtc

The command began to run, and it retrieved ‘depot_tools’, however it stops with the error that ‘fetch’ is not recognised as an internal or external command.

I maybe missing something simple and stupid but i couldn’t figure out what it is. Can someone help pointing out what it is? Please see the screenshot of the cmd error below

Thank you so much!!

Sorry, Windows is not a supported platform for building the libraries.

Thanks for your answer saghul. it’s been a while because i was busy with other things… i need to ask, in that case then, must the said library be built afresh for any new individual project or would there be a shared repository that can be downloaded and used in windows environment? this is also to ask if implementing rn-webrtc for android must be done completely in Linux?

You don’t need to build WebRTC yourself, the react-native-webrtc already includes prebuilt binaries which you can use on any environment React Native supports, that includes Windows.

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wow, that saved me from trying to install an Ubuntu from scratch. Thanks!

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