Screen sharing solution

Has anyone managed to create screen sharing on React Native?
Any ideas or how to do this?

@NoVizin I don’t thing there is a library that can do this. At least react-native-webrtc can’t as long as I know.

It’s possible on Android with relative ease, I have a WIP here:

On iOS is will be quite a bit harder.


Hi guys! I implemented this screensharing in android, got video on my android device, but have trouble with mediasoup-client. It doesnt work with screenshare stream. Did you test this approach with mediasoup?

Can anyone help me with screen share on React native IOS

How to do with IOS please tell

On iOS, can you suggest how to pass the sample buffer to the app?

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Is screen share is working on IOS ?

Need to implement replaykit2

I have used screen sharing by using " react- native- zoom-us" but its paid and it shows screen sharing as an option along with video calling. And belive me its tough to implement.

i have not yet tried but according to mdn there is an interface called MediaDevices which have a method called getDisplayMedia…i think it will work…you can follow this link…i think mediadevices is available in react-native-webrtc also