Silence all remote media streams

Info: We are using react-native-webrtc with jitsi.

The functionality required , on trigger we are looking to silence all audio streams , once its silenced with the same trigger all the silenced streams should be active, we can think them as setting the volume to 0 and to set it back to 1 (0 being silenced & 1 being active).

We currently have initialised webRTC [React Native]

import {
} from "react-native-webrtc";

import RTCPeerConnection from "./RTCPeerConnection";

((global) => {
  if (typeof global.MediaStream === "undefined") {
    global.MediaStream = MediaStream;
  if (typeof global.MediaStreamTrack === "undefined") {
    global.MediaStreamTrack = MediaStreamTrack;
  if (typeof global.RTCIceCandidate === "undefined") {
    global.RTCIceCandidate = RTCIceCandidate;
  if (typeof global.RTCPeerConnection === "undefined") {
    global.RTCPeerConnection = RTCPeerConnection;
  if (typeof global.RTCPeerConnection === "undefined") {
    global.webkitRTCPeerConnection = RTCPeerConnection;
  if (typeof global.RTCSessionDescription === "undefined") {
    global.RTCSessionDescription = RTCSessionDescription;

  const navigator = global.navigator;

  if (navigator) {
    if (typeof navigator.mediaDevices === "undefined") {
      navigator.mediaDevices = mediaDevices;
    if (typeof navigator.permissions === "undefined") {
      navigator.permissions = permissions;
})(global || window || this);

What are the ways by which this can be accomplished ? Any help is greatly appreciated .

Also how to disable audio output and enable it again ?

Note: We are using react-native

CC: @saghul

Answered over here on GitHub.