Zoom and Flashlight Implementation


I am triying to create an app with the capabilities of turning on/off the flashlight and zooming.
I see 2 different ways:

1- Implementing the applyConstraints() (which has the torch and zoom advanced options) and getCapabilities() in MediaStreamTrack.js
2- Or maybe using the RN camera (from which I should be able to control the torch and zoom) along with webrtc, maybe following this Live stream not working while using react-native-camera along with webRTC

Any trace or indication in how to perform or start with this would be highly appreciated.

Thank you

I made a naive implementation of this some time ago.

See last commits in the fork I did

and a minimalist example for seeing the module working

Will there be ios support?

I am so sorry but for now is not something I was thinking of doing. Feel free to collaborate if you want!

send me email address?