Hi, I’m wondering if the contributers have already started integrating newer chromium versions like M74.
I just went through the process on my end for M74, and it was mostly smooth sailing on the react-native-webrtc lib side for my purposes except for a few mods i needed to make to interface with M74:
- A header fix in WebRTCModule.h for ios
- Some changes to interface with videoCapturer changes for android camera.
Figured I’d share my progress here and see if it helps. The createVideoSource() command changed and the setEnableVideoHwAcceleration() got deprecated in the chromium webrtc code.
These changes I made got the android camera working again for me, however, i was unsure where to store the SurfaceTextureHelper and which thread to use where it uses “CaptureThread”. I modified these changes from what i saw in:
Changes for android in GetUserMediaImpl.java and WebRTCModule.java
— a/android/src/main/java/com/oney/WebRTCModule/GetUserMediaImpl.java
+++ b/android/src/main/java/com/oney/WebRTCModule/GetUserMediaImpl.java
@@ -87,7 +87,11 @@ class GetUserMediaImpl {
PeerConnectionFactory pcFactory = webRTCModule.mFactory;
VideoSource videoSource = pcFactory.createVideoSource(videoCapturer);
EglBase.Context eglContext = EglUtils.getRootEglBaseContext();
SurfaceTextureHelper surfaceTextureHelper =
SurfaceTextureHelper.create("CaptureThread", eglContext);
VideoSource videoSource = pcFactory.createVideoSource(videoCapturer.isScreencast());
videoCapturer.initialize(surfaceTextureHelper, this.reactContext, videoSource.getCapturerObserver());
+++ b/android/src/main/java/com/oney/WebRTCModule/WebRTCModule.java
@@ -58,7 +64,7 @@ public class WebRTCModule extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule {
.setEnableVideoHwAcceleration(eglContext != null)
//.setEnableVideoHwAcceleration(eglContext != null)