we integrated jisti-meet to our ios app, but after hangup, there is a red bar at the top.
we tried below disableAudio to remove red bar after handup and enableAudio before rejoining a meeting.
the issue is after rejoin, the participants can not hear each other.
here is how it occurs
1 join a meeting ,everything is good ,haveing sound.
2 handup to exit
3 there is another function using AVAudioRecorder to record voide and share to others but it calles [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance]setActive:NO err:&err] at the end.
4 join a meeting again,issus happens,the participants can not hear each other.
the issus should be caused by #3 setActive:NO and we want to know how to fix it in #4.
HI @frank. To be honest I have no idea how to deal with that. You are interfering with the AVAudioSession which the WebRTC library is using… can you avoid calling setActive:NO in your recorder?
We have another issue need your help , we have found that jitsi use the bigger data traffic than other solutions , for instance ,there are 6 persons in one room last 20mins ,it will cost 600MB data traffic of per person ,
we have tried to find some solutions to decrease data used ,like reduce the resolutions and fps, but seems no help .
Could you give us some help or suggestions?
In addition ,we have read some answers in stackoverflow below: