RTCView shows nothing with the stream from mediasoup-client consumer


I run a react-native android application which put (mediasoup-client) consumer’s stream url in RTCView, but no video is shown.

The environment in use is,

  • react: 16.9.0
  • react-native: 0.61.2
  • react-native-webrtc: 1.75.1 (latest version, confirmed with ibc)
  • mediasoup-client: 3.2.7 (latest version, confirmed with ibc)

Below is what been observed. What could be done further to debug the possible cause ?
Any advises are appreciated, Thanks !

  • no errors/exceptions is found in all API

  • mediasoup-client producer transport looks fine. Tcpdump shows that packets are flowing in the udp candidate ip/port of sendTransport.

  • mediasoup-client consumer transport looks fine. Tcpdump shows that packets are flowing in the udp candidate ip/port of recvTransport.

  • This application is based on mediasoup-sample-app (https://github.com/mkhahani/mediasoup-sample-app), and ported to react-native (android). The server side is verified working fine with mediasoup-client on win10 (using Chrome browser).

  • In server side, consumer.getStats() is added to see what happened, and looks fine, eg.,
    “bitrate”: 245254,
    “byteCount”: 1531019,
    “firCount”: 0,
    “fractionLost”: 0,
    “kind”: “video”,
    “mimeType”: “video/VP8”,
    “nackCount”: 81,
    “nackPacketCount”: 422,
    “packetCount”: 1734,
    “packetsDiscarded”: 0,
    “packetsLost”: 114,
    “packetsRepaired”: 114,
    “packetsRetransmitted”: 236,
    “pliCount”: 0,
    “roundTripTime”: 110.9161376953125,
    “rtxSsrc”: 247633276,
    “score”: 10,
    “ssrc”: 210525630,
    “timestamp”: 577692584,
    “type”: “outbound-rtp”
    “bitrate”: 246342,
    “byteCount”: 2075239,
    “firCount”: 0,
    “fractionLost”: 0,
    “jitter”: 8,
    “kind”: “video”,
    “mimeType”: “video/VP8”,
    “nackCount”: 0,
    “nackPacketCount”: 0,
    “packetCount”: 2252,
    “packetsDiscarded”: 0,
    “packetsLost”: 0,
    “packetsRepaired”: 0,
    “packetsRetransmitted”: 37,
    “pliCount”: 1,
    “roundTripTime”: 124.3743896484375,
    “rtxSsrc”: 2044011306,
    “score”: 10,
    “ssrc”: 1692997473,
    “timestamp”: 577692584,
    “type”: “inbound-rtp”

Would you kindly enlight advises on this issue ? What else I can do to approach this issue ?
Appreciate your kind helps !

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