Want to build and make some changes in react-native-webrtc

I want to make a development setup for react-native-webrtc and want to work on a screen sharing feature, first for iOS. Once I cloned this repository and went inside react-native-webrtc/ios folder and open RCTWebRTC.xcodeproj then its target is a static library. while trying to build this static library is giving me the error related with React library and it’s header file not found. I just want to know how to fix it compile issue, once the compile issue will be resolved then I can work on the screen sharing feature. Someone suggests that I need to add React.xcodeproj as a dependency project in order to build any React native module, but I did not found any React.xcdoeproj inside my node_modules/react-native/React folder.

I can understand to test my changes in this module can be done by adding this module in any other demo app. But before this, I need to fix compile error which is coming while compiling react-native-webrtc module for ios.